Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Epiphany alert!

When i want something bad enough.
Take the first plunge into the water.
Then badly start swimming towards the goal. Just keep trying.
Eventually, I'll reach the other side. =)

Now the Plunge. Thats the biggest huddle. I shouldn't be such a WUSS. Right?!

If there were only a pill to be braver!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Afraid of Uncertainty... NOT!

Jesus is the coolest really!

You know i've been reading matthew in the bible recently and in alot of parables Jesus is scolding the deciples that they have little faith. Sometimes, i think we really should be scolded for our lack of faith. I often wish i was braver to overcome all the little problems in my life.

My constant self reminder:

When i get thoroughly drained.
-To pray.. and oddly enough get peace within me and get more energy.
When frustration sets in and the situation is too sticky for me to handle.
-To pray for Calmness and Wisdom to solve
When i feel stuck and lost
-To pray for a push in the right direction
When all odds are against me and i feel stuck in a pressure cooker
-To pray to not use harsh words and have patience that things will unravel to be better.

Just as i feel kinda lost, the daily bread today was talking about HOPE. (See! Its not luck or coincidence... Its planned HE knows you and knows what you need when you need it. =))

Many claim to have hope, but only those whose hope is Christ can claim it with certainty. Hope comes not from strength, intelligence, or favorable circumstances, but from the Lord. As Maker of heaven and earth, He alone has the right to promise hope and the power to keep the promise.- taken from Daily Bread RBC

"The Lord has promised good to me.
His word my hope secures.
He will my shield and portion be,
As long as life endures." -snippets from the song Amazing Grace.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

POsitivity Pass it on!

Taken from http://dailykindness.net


Use Empowering Words When You Talk to Yourself, (whether you are speaking out loud or silently)

How do you talk to yourself?

Do you use the words “can’t”, “won’t”, “don’t need to”, “why try”? Many people do.

Do you find that what you say to yourself turns out to be true? Why is this?

You see your brain is like a computer that you feed each day. It doesn’t always know what’s real or not unless you tell it.

Example: If someone you love has hurt you, you may tell yourself that all people who love you will probably hurt you too. You may not even be aware that you are doing this.

Your brain just files this information for reference, it’s data, little zeroes and ones and no column that asks “true or not true?” Now your brain thinks, based on what you told it, that everyone you’ll ever love will hurt you. At the very least it is using this data in its assessment of future situations.

Now, what if we instead told our brain:

“Okay this person ripped my heart out – but that’s only one person. I’m lovable and have many loving people in my life who are not out to hurt me. I know that the right people are coming into my life all the time. If someone hurts me, I will forgive them and bless them on their way.”

Words can be empowering.

I can

I love to

I want to

I will

I must

I am

We can attain a greater quality of life if we feed ourselves empowering words and practice saying them until they become a habit.

I know first hand that it takes time. And I also know that it’s worth it.

Try it for a week. Catch yourself saying, “I can’t”, when you don’t really mean it and instead try, “I can”, and see how you think and feel about yourself.

Remember, the words you use to empower yourself will have a lasting effect, only if you practice

them and they become a habit (an acquired behavior pattern regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary).

They say it takes at least 28 days to develop a habit. After a week, you will see that it becomes easier. It’s a mindset and you can control your thoughts. Be proactive and not reactive – give yourself some good words.

Dream big and empower yourself! Believe you can and you will.

Most of all, CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY!

Stream Of Praise (SOP)

I'm so glad to be saved!
Ever so thankful!
I didnt go to church last sunday. And i am feeling abit unsettled. Its like something's missing. I miss worshipping with the youths. Going on Sunday reminds me of like a family meeting. Its such a warm fuzzy feeling.

After reaching home. I hit the lappie for Holy songs. Did my own worshipping ahha.. and Quiet time. I'm so thankful to go for the SOP concert. Oddly enough.. I think.. i'm beginning to rely even more and more on HIM. Cause i'm crying more and more while worshiping ahaha.. I normally hold tears back. I think its also cause i feel that i am in Blame it on pride and insecurities, I'm so glad i can rely on HIM. I used to rely on certain people for security and re assurance, sometimes its just not enough. I get it even more now- why we need to get a spouse with the same religion. Keeping the faith together, Trusting God with path, Relying on him and having similar thoughts about raising a family.

After meeting the gang at jurong i was uber tired. But somehow i decided to go to SOP on sat instead when wk smsed. Initially was intended to go on sunday after church sessions. So glad i went on Sat. I think God planned it oddly enough. After what happened that day i cant help but let out a chuckle and go.. "God u already know this is going to happen right!"

Anyways... i went.. saved hamsters from suffocating in wk's car.. Haha.. I was thinking if God didnt place me there. Then wk's car wont have started. If i wasnt there to call for the other angel's daddy for help. If i wasnt there then i wouldnt have went into the "mama shop" and met this indian family who volunteered to drive us to get brake petrol and also by the way are christians form the same church we just left.

So fortunate to be there on saturday.. to experience his love for us when we are in difficult situations. Its so amazing really yeah? Very Miao4! I like when he uses me for these things makes me feel really important and i appreciate him using me especially when i am such a young and Ahem.. Blur christian.

I feel like everything is fast forwarding when this year after accepting christ. For some reason i am able to experience so much of his love and its becoming more and more transparent to me. Its no longer luck and coincidence. Its transformed into planned and reliance. And because he is so extra nice to me.. i also want to be extra nice to him. Haha.. God's cute that way.

But really sometimes i wish he could just tell us his plan. But hey! knowing it through an experience and through lessons is'nt that bad. Afterall, its a eventually thing since its all planned anyways yeah?! Read in the bible that God gives us all many gifts. Even though sometimes we are envious of others gift. I'm confident that he has given me all i need. I'm thoroughly thankful for the always cheerful and positive mindset he has injected in me and the madly nurturing nature he has carefully placed in me.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The glass is half full mentality

Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy in it.

- Groucho Marx

Saturday, July 3, 2010

My Stubborn streak.. Lost!

I think my opportunity has slipped away and maybe god planned for a diversion after silly me not accepting his hints.. after 3 times!

On a happier note. Stubborn as God know i am. He forced me into relying on him once again on friday. Haha.. Prayer does work! I'm glad i leaned on God's shoulder that day. =)

Today's Daily Bread:

Have setbacks slowed you down to a snail’s pace? Be encouraged. God doesn’t ask for a fast finish. He expects persevering progress.

When trials intrude to slow down your life,
It would be easy for you to give in;
But by perseverance you’ll overcome strife,
So just keep on plodding—with Christ you can win. —Branon

Great achievement requires great perseverance.