Saturday, October 16, 2010

Sorting out the obvious..

I got to get my life back in order again!!
My priorities are so messed up. =(

Procrastination is eating me inside... No more other people first.. ME ME ME! First.. Sigh.. I'm in my save the world traps again. You know how the air plane people always give instructions to parents(esp. Mums) to put on your mask first in an emergency before assisting your child t put his/hers on. THERE IS A GOOD ENOUGH REASON TO DO THAT! Crazy as it sounds... This blog to posted to constantly remind me again and again whenever i fall into this state of absolute to PICK MYSELF UP AGAIN!! =)

If i want to save the world.. I got to save me first=)
Uurgh.. I dunt like it that i'm impossibly bluntly right.