Saturday, March 28, 2009

Ukulele Blues

Lovin~ This Guy's Style... Face melting already..

Sunday, March 22, 2009

I feel blessed... But...Unsure?

Last few days was kinda passing way too fast for my liking.
Its switching way too fast for me to calm down and cool off before even thinking how i can express my emotions. I just wished i had a little more time to settle into each feeling better.

Everytime i feel kinda lonely and wish i had someone to lead on. HE plans for some good thing to happen or someone to happen to pop into my life to keep me entertained for a while. Lately, HE gave me opportunity to try out something i'd always wanted. Now i'm just waiting for a reply to see if i can grab that opportunity. 

I think God's trying to guide me into a direction. Maybe HE's trying to tell me not to worry and that he has it all planned out for me? I am just too curious about the plan! See how HE teases me when he only shows me snippets of my life and how it could be! 

I was kinda excited a few days ago about this new opportunity but found no one really free to share this.. But its okay.. You all know now. Esther commented that weisze and my previous entry was a little harsh. I wrote that entry feeling rather disappointed with a good friends. I wanted to convey my feelings of disappointment unto them. Despite the numerous nudges and hints and blatant fact thrown at them, there was no progress. The sad truth is.. and zaid's always telling me this.. IS THAT.. If your friends dont make an effort to meet then forget them. Maybe we're all growing apart?

I told GOD i will try to be kind-er. 
I'd be kinder to the people who neglect me and understand that they are spending their time doing something worth while.
I'd be kinder to the people whom i cannot stand even breathing my air and tell myself that YES i will be courteous and smile and even create casual talk besides saying HI and BYE.
I'd be kinder and more tolerable about the small things(even though it irks me so) because every BIG thing in life is made up of small stuff.

BUT! its so hard!! =(

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Steph's NEW lingo! "Dropping......cold fish!"

Lovely fish lips Taken from: this lovely webby

I've adopted the new phrase " dropping you like a cold fish"

ALL thanks to some very charming people 

I dedicate this fish lips to you and also to remind myself not to fall trap to COLD FISH.. 

PS: I still very much love eating fish

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Reason OR Excuse

"Because i dont have the time to..."

Reason? OR Excuse?

I think the answer to this tug of war is PRIORITY and CHOICE
I guess its just not nice saying
 " I CHOOSE to not attend you event, BECAUSE its not a PRIORITY"

We make time for the important stuff- Things that matter
We make time for stuff we like to do
We choose to take others for granted
We prioritize and we make plans, based on our own preferences

Now all we need to be clear of...


What the important stuff and important people and important events are.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Strangely fruitful Friday 13th

I hope Friday the 13th was kind to all you readers.

Knowing that by some force of nature that the influence of friday the 13th has on us. I decided to welcome it with open arms. I take Friday the 13th as a day where find comfort tagging whatever bad thing that happen that day and linking it up to reassure myself that such "swayness" (if any) only happens once every year. So thank goodness.

Today was strangely quite fruitful. Other than Dr yap sick today and other small things that happen. I think we made it through pretty safe today. D yap mentioned that i was very cheery this morning and that he could feel my energy. He commented that i gave him the energy today yeayness! Then i commented that someone once said the same thing ahha. He then apologised for indirectly reminding me of him. I then continued by saying that its okay now we're all good friends trying very hard to live our lives. =) 

I'm so proud of myself today haha.. I am amazed at how naturally confident that sentence came out. What a strange friday 13th.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Falling in love with creamy vanilla.. and MORE!

Oouh ooUh.. did i mention how sweet dr lim was.. he went out to dr lam's to do a surgery.. and came back with ice cream for us! Whee... whenhe came running to me and told us he had ice cream.. shirely and i ... very naturally did a "Yeaaaayyyyy!!" ahah.. See what ice cream does to us.. ahha.. I picked out Macadamia Nut without hesitation. 

With the creamy.. CREAMY vanilla.. and nice crunchy macadamia Nut... what a glorious combination.

And Yes.. i am still in my i love vanilla phase.. Screw Chocolate.. !

Embracing New Skin

Whoever said Beauty is Skin deep is right. It does start skin deep. But it doesnt help to keep it nice outside too.
Every girl has her own beauty regime. From facial washes to toners to serums and gels to a bag of whitening products and truck loads of lotions and scented lip balms. We have evolved from the soap and water days to body washes and prescription facial washes. If any guy thinks that its easy being a female, they should try. Currently these are the products i am lovin~

Fancl facial washing powder 

Because of its powder form it is so easy for traveling and like washing powder it has that squeeky clean effect on my skin

L'occitane 's Rose Hand Cream ( a gift from Dr Gan)

Love its light scent and not-so-sticky -after -feel

Neutrogena's Oil free Eye Makeup remover

I love how you can wear thick volumising mascara and not worry. Plus! it doesnt leave that oily eye feel.

L'oreal gentle Cleansing Milk
For removing makeup ( Smells good and gentle)

The Body Shop's Coco Butter Wash and Body lotion

I LOVE THIS! Its my all time pampering fav! For a non-chocolate lover.. even this sweet creamy chocolate tasting body wash is yummy.. 
*Please have BODY SHOP PROMO SOON! ( crosses fingers)

Mum Always complain i dont take care of myself. which is true. I cant help but blame it on genetics. Though i'm pretty blessed with okay skin. It can be improved. I decided a while ago after the bangkok trip to give my skin a break. The pollution in bangkok was terrible as usual. In order to get its radiance back i decided to stop makeup for a few weeks. Its been 2 weeks now and non of the doctors are complaining that i should put more makeup. ( gig
gles) I secretly put on more shimmery lip gloss to hide the bare face. 

After that makeup fasting period i will start to replenish and get that radiance back again.  In one word HYDRATION!!

On another note.
I went kayating with Wen Yun last sunday @ lower seletar. tried out Sun play's sunscreen. Was pleasantly surprised at the texture when applied. Like liquid paper(correction liquid) it has this ball bearing inside to stir up all the liquids. It comes out as a white liquid but blends into skin colour on application. Most importantly it is NOT STICKY or OILY. 

 In short, I love it. You should too.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

I think god's trying to communicate..

Taken from :

I used to stand at my window plane and staring up interlocking my fingers in a palm to palm position every night. i used to talk to you. I wonder what changed.

Today, or rather just recently i felt your presence again. i SMS-ed Sam telling him " I think god is trying to tell me that no mater how you run, some things are just meant to be and some people are just meant to meet."

I think your trying to tell me something.

Here's me trying to tell you - that i have not forgotten YOU. Thank GOD(you)!