Saturday, June 26, 2010

Anthropology Vs Psychology

is the study of humanity.

Psychology is a science, an academic, and applied discipline that involves the scientific study of human or animal mental functions and behaviors.

On the latest Channel five episode of Bones. Dr Brennen disagreed with Anthropology logic of what the Alpha Male's(Aka Top Dog) theory. She took a emotional and less evidence based view. Long story short. Agent Booth is slowly influencing Dr Brennen to feel more. At the bus stop after a "sibling linked to dad-was-an-alcoholic problem" Dr Brennen came out innocently asking if Agent Booth needed some time and space. Agent Booth had those longing eyes when he told her JUST time. So she sat down beside him. Agent booth being the family oriented tight lipped-do-anything-for-your-family-and-suffer-in-silence-type said.." My Dad.. he was an alcoholic."

Toooucching yeah!

Its amazing moments like this that make me feel... UUrgh! I want this! I want this amazing bond! I cant wait to be unravelled by a Dr Brennen.

Booth and Bones Video. Loves!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I have not had so many deep sighs in 3 days. I wish i had more patience but its pulling my hair out literally. Wish i had a bigger heart and a smaller ego. I just had a epiphany again. Its easier to forgive a friend then forgive a family member. Maybe cause the hurt isn't so deep.

Today's QT:

So often we think only of money when the Bible calls us to give willingly and bountifully, “for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Cor. 9:7). Giving others a chance and offering hospitality to those who hurt is generosity that makes winners of everyone involved.

The gifts that we may give,
The deeds that we may do,
Most truly honor Christ
When self is given too. —D. De Haan

The manner of giving shows the character of the giver more than the gift itself.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

God on the fast lane.

I think... He just spoke to me.

I itchy backside went to sneak peak on the daily bread tml cos i will normally read it in the morning then make sure i remember what God wants to tell me throughout the day and remind my self again before i sleep. So Guess what! It was exactly what i needed!
Reassurance from God.

Much of life is about “getting through” the trials and troubles that are inevitable in our sinful world. One of these trials is persecution. The disciples certainly found this to be true. They knew the good things that Jesus has ready for those who follow Him, but they met harsh resistance when they tried to tell others (Acts 14:5).

Those of us who have chosen God’s way, and who know from experience that it’s “a more excellent way” (1 Cor. 12:31), will persevere even when we have to go through danger and difficulty. By doing so, we show others a beautiful picture of God’s peace, mercy, and forgiveness. The joy that awaits will make our temporary discomfort worthwhile.

Its like he knows i need this! I love God.. He's so nice!

Straying away from GOD?

I feel as if i have not been a good testament. Feeling kinda ashamed really. I havent done a decently long quiet time in awhile. I have on and off prayed. But i dont feel that i've told God everything i wanna tell him. I got LAZY! Urgh! And i dont like it! Sometimes i wonder if i am living a good testament as a christian to show mummy and family. Its so exhausting really to not sin. Even by trying suuupppper hard sometimes you will still sin. As i understand more and built up faith i am realising its getting tougher. Like Mu shi says the devil doesnt like that i'm growing so he comes to distract me. My most popular prayer request now, in fact only prayer request now is that i ask God to help keep me focus unto you and not stray. I wish i were more determined really.

Mei Mei is so encouraging. I love her.. She just flew from Nice to VERY NICE status already ahah.. I realise we are quite similar. To think i was so mature at her age ahha.. She gave me this verse 1 Corinthians 10:13 -No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.

RBC's Daily bread:

Help me to walk so close to Thee
That those who know me best can see
I live as godly as I pray,
And Christ is real from day to day. —Ryberg

Pray Pray pray.. Must pray.. Sigh.. OKay PRAY!

Monday, June 21, 2010

1 week before the real world starts

Living in sabbatical and sabbath has always been one of the best goals i always wanted. Now that i have 1 week left.

I realise during the first week that :
1) Having the spare cash helps.
2) Not thinking just doing is more fun.
3) Volunteering is more tiring than working (experiencing the fish outta water)

2nd week
1) I cant believe the first week is gone!
2) Money is half gone! (cause savings and bills still need to be pumped in)
3) Spend less Do more is so tough! And lazing around experiencing the not working but i am at home resting is tougher...(i need to do something!)
4) church camp was eventful, tough to take effect, a cry fest, Change in paradigm

3rd week
1) OMG! Work 's next week! DIE! I shouldve created another checklist (fish outta water experience coming back again)
2) I need to fill up my appointments and really make use of the rest of the time. (text me to book me)
3) I cant wait for payday on the 25th! I need to feel rich again. ( Sadly its very insecure to be that dry on resources..)
4) Starting to feel like i am running outta time and need to complete my checklist!
5) Feeling that credit cards are evil

The Pen-ing down of random thoughts leads to... this list below
1) Get roller blades and madly learn them
2) Go running tml morning! no blaming the weather and stop praying that it will rain
3) Financial planning
4) Plan for next year's trip
5) Have tons of epiphanies
6) Go to XYZ to help out

Facebook As a double edge sword

Perception and Perspective plays a part in this theory of facebook being a double edge sword. Just seconds ago i had a epiphany again. Love those.

If your feeling in the pits which i was minutes earlier. Looking at facebook posts from your friend in Korea having fun during world cup and another friend Graduating or another busy complaining about the choices of whether Toyko or HK for her family trip. Well.. Uuh.. is it me or do does everyone feel a tinge.. or maybe a gulp of sour grapes! I'm dead envious and green eye jealous of their so happening lifestyle. I know this is just a moment. Cause once i tune back to my positive self again i'll be fine... But i'm not fine now! So thus this venting post.

Double edge sword cause it depends on how u see it. It can be OOuh man.. my life stinks and is like plain plain shit-o boring. Or Wow.. i have cool friends and dang! facebook is uber cool i can comment on my friends comments!

So there. My epiphany.

I love Jane!

I love Jane! She's so sweet really. I love taking to her and she is SOO Sweet! I love how she has that older sister I'll look after you Gung-ho kinda loyalty with jussst a touch of innocent and pure sweetness. You know the kinda honey that is super raw? The kind that comes with the honeycone it has that i'm sweet but not artifically sweetened kinda taste? Yea... That JUST JANE!

She hates that i call her Jane-Y and thus JUST JANE is just her! And i love that she's just jane. Not afraid to say that hey! i don't like when you do that, but afraid that she'll hurt your feelings so she'll tell you later cos its just her. I like that she's so awesomely TRUE BLUE and PURE that way. Just like how young small little people-Kids tell you and talk to you. They tell you the truth and they give you innocently in pure good intentions. On a side note: Never ask your kid if you look fat in anything.
I like her interesting style too. She has the I am always on holiday specifically in BALI look.. ALL THE TIME. Do notice the Prints and non -CHAT4 CHAT4 full cotton clothes and the straw bags she wants to get to complete her look but i am totally disapproving of. We have come up with a full proof guideline for her style too. If you ever want to get anything please get something that is simple.. BUT complicated... Difficult.. Yet Easy.. Modern But traditional... Conflicting eh? Just think Holiday in Bali.. block out everything else.

I just mentioned to her on our super long bus journey back home yesterday that she's like a diamond in the rough really. It really takes a special person to discover her and then after polishing.. she'll be so shiny lah i tell you!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Friday Blues

Its the first day off after 3 days of mad work... And here i am sick. Snug undercovers medicated with panadol and that cute little yellow pill that puts an immediate plug on that leaky nose with of course a tinge of yummy cough syrup. *On a side note. I love.. those tangy orange ice popsicles when your sick. *

My morning was spent throughly mopping thru msn and facebook. Then eventfully ending with a random pick of Sex and the city episodes online. Its like i needed abit of chick flick before i went for my girls evening out later.

The other angel called for a MENS talk. Havent had one of those officially for a long time. (closes eyes on the small random men talks) I've got some to dish out and i'm dying to hear the rest dish their thoughts on mine. MENS talk is much like when boys talk about football. Everyone has their own favourite team and Ahem.. team player.. =)

Off to meet the girls.. Will update if any spurs of moments of epiphanies occur.

Always dreaming and never wanting to wake up.. thats the feeling i'd love to have recently..

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Thought-find moment.

Its been a while since i sat quietly and blogged. So you can imagine how much i have to type now. At the rate i am going i'd probably have a ton of spelling mistakes.(*Not that i care enough to stop and backspace the gushing thoughts i have.)

OKie.. Here goes.

So we I just woke up 13 hour recovery from a mad feverish - sore back headache topped off with a really nice painful throat attack. I;m so glad i did my early morning Dump! that kinda makes the temperature in you like moderate a little bit better.

Any-Whos.. Yesterday's one of the first talk-about-your-future sharing sessions was fab. Jian Xin went for it too! That was a pleasant surprise. He's so different when he's with the YA and when he's with the Secondary school gang. He talks so grown up and proper and stuff. I cant help but have a tilt my head to the side and go Awwww... moment when i think of this growth with Christ. He use to be always in such a bad mood in school grunting and grumbling. But now WOW. I wouldnt have thought i could have a decent conversation with him without him cursing or spitting fire at every word i say. (i'm exaggerting btw) I'm just glad i see good changes in my friends. =) ( BIG AWwww... Moment)
In true fact. The trio(sam and the other angel and yours truly) have always been having our monthly talk-about-your-future sharing session. I think that our monthly sessions are what keeps us so tight. Anyways, hearing from the elders that joined us during the session. Gave me alot of reassurance that hey! It doesnt seems like i am drifting too far back and am pretty much on top of things. I can relate alot better with Elder Gordon's experience. He gives me alot of confidence really. I wished i could have known him much earlier in my life so i would be more reassured when i was younger. But i do feel that maybe God wanted me to go through all that tough times. When i felt so lost and frustrated leading the aunties in my practice. I just so much wanted to pull my hair out really. It so cute really. Even back then i know someone was taking care of me. And to think that i prayed the most back then.

Hearing from Meishan made me realise how NORMAL i am. haha. I always struggled with too many choices and probably am still. I'm sure everyone does struggle for a while when weighing out pros and cons. I'll get really lost in my thoughts and pros and cons.. and let my gut feeling and heart get some action on it and get let my poor mind get totally confused with all that inner talk. Just hearing that Meishan also is battling this, makes me feel wow.. okay.. normal. Especially when the duo are so quick in making decisons like that. It is these kinda moments that make me feel like i'm a girl again. Not a man inside. ahha.. Thank Goodness.
Beve's sharing also triggered some deep pondering too. When she mentioned that she feels unready for the tasks of settling down and maybe God knows that so therefore singleton. I think i could relate to that too. Besides having random thoughts of having babies on and off. I may have been shunning away my maternal instincts to aside. Plus i think deep down i know i'll be a sucky gf. I cant bring myself to meet everyday and stick like glue. I love my space and freedom to meet friends too much. I really dont wanna conform to change for the sake of having someone else like me in that way. And i think most of the time i take charge too much that even my friends are saying i can be such a man about things. I wish i didnt need to take charge too much. But i cant trust anyone now to take charge for me. =) I dont know if i am fussy or too picky. I just know that lOVE loves to sneak up when you least expected. Its like it just enjoys going BOo! I'm here! In another note, I would applaud any guy for trying to even come to break down the walls and attempting to gain my trust in that way. I may seem like summer on the outside but trust me its cold cold winter inside. Like what Elder Quan Ching says to Peter- be a loveable person and you will draw people to your liking.

I like this.. Always Say A Prayer- ASAP