Saturday, June 6, 2009

My Ah Ma!

My AH Ma is just oozing cuteness. Yesterday at her place we were talking about my uncle's wedding in October. The aunties were asking me to "Look out" for a little shawl or a nice sparkly cropped jacket for Ah Ma to match the very vintage beige sleeveless gown. 

Ah Ma is super excited about the wedding and what to wear and stuff but is trying to be super nonchalent and acting all its okay fuss free about things but she is fussing over what bag to match with the shoes she might wear and if the jewelry is enough. So adorable ~

So i got her to do a little fashion show for me to try out that very aged beige dress. I helped her get dress. its so cute cos i have limited hokkien vocabulary and she and i communicate by playing charades most of the time. She was getting tangled in the petticoat(inner layer of dress). I think i did the cutest thing. I raised both my hands up and told Ah Ma to do the same while i help her adjust the heavy gown. I chuckled at my suddenly memory of Ah ma changing my clothes for me when i was little. After much fussing,now here comes the double irony. Turns out... That she grown outta it! 

Ah ma reminds me so much of my mum. She has this very cute "HOO-HAAR" quality about her. When they discover something new or semi-shocking. They Do a HOO! and HAAR! sound effect. She was like "AiyOo ~~~Buai Sai Cheng"( AiyooO cannot wear ah) with loads of giggles, followed by loads of other sound effects like HOoo OOrh.. OO...OOhh.. and HAAR~

Then after the dress event we got into all the other details like jewelry la... makeup la... Shoes la... Hair la.. bag la.. and did the "HoOO.. HAAR" thing all over again.

So turns out my aunts are not gonna be able to take leave to come in the tea ceremony thing so they are giving me the task to look out for Ah ma and get her prepared for the wedding and all the other chinese traditional stuff (which i have not clue about)  like red eggs and what not. But really i am really excited to get ah ma all dolled up for it! I'll post a picture of her soon! Stay tuned in October for it!

AHHA......My AH MA is so cute lah! 

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